Pictorial: Glittery Eye with (mostly) Urban Decay products

I’ve decided to challenge myself and explore a new content format: pictorials! For my first stab at this genre, I chose one of my favorite recent looks—a glittery purple/mauve/whatever eye, created with (mostly) Urban Decay products. Unfortunately, my pics did not turn out uniform in color. I am dependent on fickle natural lighting, so I … More Pictorial: Glittery Eye with (mostly) Urban Decay products

FOTD: Zoeva Alloy

Beauty subreddit r/muacjdiscussion has a FOTD thread once a week, where users review all the products they are wearing on that day. I decided to steal this idea for a post about one of my favorite looks, which centers around Alloy, the dirty plum/brown eyeshadow from the Zoeva Mixed Metals palette. Here is the face… … More FOTD: Zoeva Alloy